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Payroll & admin.

Consider it handled, hassle free

Leave the boring stuff to us

Does handling payroll compliance often feel like info overload, right? Accuracy, tax, record keeping combined with managing benefits, new staff and communication, it’s a lot. Questions like, “Did they take me right…” to “My super hasn’t been paid right, why’s that?”.


Tribe’s here to take payroll management challenges off your hands…

Tribe handles

Weekly payroll including the boring things PAYG, super, payroll tax, Workcover
Awards and classifications
Fair work cases
Summary payroll reports

You're left with

Approving logged timesheets
...and that’s it, how much time did you get back?

What’s the payroll deal?

Award compliance (and there’s a lot!)

Pay your staff with confidence

Hello efficiency


So, picture this: no more payroll compliance headaches, your staff log their timesheets each week. Consider them handled, smooth and hassle free. Your staff log their timesheets and we’re across the rest. Our team and tools ensure everyone gets paid correctly and on time.

We're by your side helping you budget, manage resources, and make every shift a hit. We hand over the rostering reins to you as you know best who is needed when and where, and the cherry on top? Thanks to our software, you'll know exactly how much work all of this costs, down to the last cent.  

Let's talk 

attendance and rostering

Last but 
not least

Let's cover keeping those wage costs on lock down. With clock-in, clock-out functionality you've got accuracy to a T and some serious cost savings for you. Cha-ching!

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Don't worry, it's not a sales pitch. Ask Karlee!

If you contact us for more info or even a few questions, it isn’t going to turn into a sitch where we call you every week. If we align, that’s great news however if we don’t or you’re not ready – that's ok, we will leave it at that. 

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